Surveys - Norfolk County Indoor Bowling Association

Norfolk County Indoor Bowling Association
Norfolk CIBA
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Wanted ..... your views and input

Planning for the 2024/25 season is already underway, and in shaping up the format of various events organised by the association we would like direct input and feedback from club members to help the Executive Council consider options and changes as necessary.

Specifically we want to understand your views on the Mens' County League and also the County Championships which have now been running on the new basis of club champion qualification for two seasons. In addition and as previously mentioned we are considering a new county shirt/kit and would like view on a proposed design and how/when this could be introduced (*)

To provide some consistency in the information obtained we have created a number of online surveys (links to the right) which should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and are totally anonymous.

The surveys will remain open until 26th January and then the information will be shared at the Executive meeting 5th February and also via the website in line with our full transparency.

We would encourage you to complete these surveys to help inform the Executive on the direction and format of things you would like to see. If there is anything specific not covered in the survey or which you feel the council should consider please feel free to email me (click here).

Chris Taylor
Hon. Secretary
1st January 2024

(*) County Shirts - any member of the association who has a current county shirt, which is no longer required, is asked to donate this to association as our current stocks are very low in certain sizes. If you are able to return a shirt please send an email via this link with details.
Survey links

  • County League

  • County Championships

  • County Shirts
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